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 ▼newbalancejptop  newbalancejptop 13/12/22(日) 18:32

 ■題名 : newbalancejptop
 ■名前 : newbalancejptop <hwq8585@gmail.com>
 ■日付 : 13/12/22(日) 18:32
 ■Web : http://www.newbalancejptop.com/
   Our global responsible leadership movement is based on our company and our associates giving back, moving the environment forward and encouraging people to act as catalysts and coaches.
Since our beginning in 1906, and with our first pair of running shoes in 1938, New Balance has been committed to moving the world physically, emotionally and intellectually. With over 4,100 associates worldwide, and New Balance product available in over 120 countries, we strive to make an impact in three broad areas.
It is with great pleasure that New Balance presents its first comprehensive Responsible Leadership report.
The full report dives deep into NB's history, culture and values. It also provides vision and initiatives for our global sustainability, social and community efforts.

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