| Camper Ankle-Boot My take on what the final episode might contain : Toms Stitchouts for Womens Because Masters completed her 10th LP, House cancels her internship she knew he had already forged the approval in her log. He says he wants her to be able to compromise sometimes. She doesn't want to cheat the system but to House, the system is often the problem. One of the tropes of the show is a conviction that only by breaking the rules can you save the hardest cases. Question from a Watch KnobUGG Boots UK Womens Wilshire Logo Short Deep Periwinkle That's a formidable task in a place like New Orleans, where 23% of working age adults are uninsured (compared to 18% nationally) and where injuries, infections and chronic illness are rampant. Wednesday convention center event will likely draw 1,000 to 1,800 patients, many suffering from conditions that have gone untreated for years. The city's free clinics draw hundreds just like them every day of the year. They're not the lazy "takers" Mitt Romney demonized during his presidential campaign. By Lamoureaux's count, more than 80% of them are low wage workers who simply can't afford the care they need. Charles Barkley