| In finally prevailing 3 2 in 13 innings, meanwhile, the Cardinals needed the heroics of 36 year old Carlos Beltran, who delivered a two run double early, prevented the go ahead run from scoring in the ninth with a tremendous throw from right field, and finally sent everyone home with an RBI single. They were men who had to swallow hard as opponents and fans yelled racial slurs. They faced the indignity of being refused service in restaurants. And they endured road games that became marathon trips because no motel would let them stay the night. Womens Nike Air Max 2012 Additionally, aside from the finished story, once a videojournalist or cameraman/editor has uploaded their finished story to the Avid server in Rimouski for broadcast and they are back in the office and connected to the NGCN, they will also be able to upload all of their raw footage to Rimouski, where archiving will take place. It is worth keeping in mind that these raw footage transfers to a different location for archiving purposes are unique within CBC/Radio Canada, and it is the only site outside of Montreal and Toronto where HD archiving takes place. Nike Free Run 3 Kids Women Air Jordan 7Women Camper Boot Mil 46522-001