| "Lastly, and this ミネトンカ モカシン is the mandate, team. It is critical intended for success in today's game. I mandate, I urge you, never, ever, stop dreaming. That will be the biggest change to you when you walk out of this locker room entrance today. It's one of what exactly I love about dealing with younger people, in the business this I'm in. When you're young, you dream and a person dream wildly. You ミネトンカ ブーツ do. And it's awesome. The dreams are limitless. They know no bounds. On the other side of this door today, young people, is a reality, is a life. And if you are not careful, they'll diminish the fantasy. The people that I discover, being blessed with being in a position to do what I ミネトンカ セール do to get a living. I come across individuals who are successful in every walk of life. Its one common bond i notice that they many have they're ridiculous dreamers. Don't ever stop appearing that. I'm a ridiculous dreamer. To this day I do it. The http://www.rejooveme.com/ ミネトンカ セール difference is, what separates our dreams on the ones we all shared when you were children, is that we have to make daily choices, to take action. To make those dreams possible. That is what I mandate because of this team to do these days.