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 ▼9 Ways You Can Get  Venapro 09/9/11(金) 18:11

 ■題名 : 9 Ways You Can Get
 ■名前 : Venapro <venapro@lviv.in>
 ■日付 : 09/9/11(金) 18:11
 ■Web : http://www.internal-hemorrhoid-treatment.com

Do you have hemorrhoids? Chances are you're not the only one. This painful yet embarrassing situation happens more than you think. Of course, there's treatment for it. Many have turn to over-the-counter treatment that works, such as Venapro. But there's more than that. What if I told you that you can accelerate the healing time with simple things that you can do even now?

Here's some of the things that you can do:

* Increase high fiber foods intake. A good example would be whole fruits, green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, whole grain breads, and cereals.
* Avoid spicy foods.
* Drink 6-8 glasses of water everyday.

Second, this would be avoiding or maintaining habits for hemorrhoids such as :

* Avoid prolonged sitting. The trick is when you work behind the desk all day is to take 5-10 minutes break every 2-3 hours of sitting. At these times you should be standing and move around to make improve the blood circulation.
* Avoid exertion. Lifting heavy objects, for instance, could increase abdominal pressure, hence worsening the symptoms.
* Exercise daily. Take 10-15 minutes every morning to do some basic exercises. Some said that kegel practice have great benefits preventing hemorrhoids.
* Make sure you have enough sleep.
* Maintaining good bowel habits. Daily, preferrably.
* Correcting the way you sit. Good posture can lessen the hemorrhoid symptoms.

Doing this 9 things can help you to quickly heal properly. Don't forget though, you have to choose the right medication for your situation. For instance, like the popular Venapro, do you know that there's time that you should NOT buy them? Read more about it in my blog.

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Visit: http://www.internal-hemorrhoid-treatment.com
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