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 ▼Mexico Zeta Drug  Moogrestetelm 13/9/12(木) 3:30

 ■題名 : Mexico Zeta Drug
 ■名前 : Moogrestetelm <FlepEfferry@valleyinnmistake.info>
 ■日付 : 13/9/12(木) 3:30
 ■Web : http://www.nid15.com/adderall.html
   lexotan online kopen lexotan online uk What do quotes from the new XANAX (Upjohn) product labeling reveal? "Demonstrations of the effectiveness of XANAX by systematic clinical study are limited to four months duration for anxiety disorder and four to ten weeks duration for panic disorder." One may well question the motive for not having longer-term scientific data available on a drug that has been aggressively marketed for a decade and that sells for over $800,000 per kilo. Upjohn admits, "Certain adverse clinical events, some life-threatening, are a direct consequence of physical dependence to XANAX. These include a spectrum of withdrawal symptoms; the most important is seizure...studies of patients with panic disorder showed a higher rate of rebound and withdrawal symptoms with XANAX...Other symptoms, such as anxiety and insomnia, were frequently reported during discontinuation" lexotan price - lexotan quanto costa - http://www.thesnakerecords.com/lexotan.html iwi tavor sale iwi tavor tar-21 for sale "The ability of patients to completely discontinue therapy with XANAX after long-term therapy has not been reliably determined...Withdrawal reactions may occur when dosage reduction occurs for any reason...withdrawal symptoms including seizures have been reported after only brief therapy with XANAX at doses within the recommended range for the treatment of anxiety...Death has been reported in association with overdoses in association with overdoses of alprazolam by itself" Severe Side Effects "XANAX has the potential to cause severe emotional and physical dependence in some patients and these patients may find it exceedingly difficult to terminate treatment...The following adverse events have been reported in association with the use of XANAX, seizures, hallucinations, depersonalization, taste alterations, diplopia, elevated bilirubin, elevated hepatic enzymes, and jaundice. lorazepam 1 mg buy uk - lorazepam 1mg street price - http://www.thesnakerecords.com/ativan.html alprazolam costa rica alprazolam costco "The necessary duration of treatment for panic disorder victims responding to XANAX is unknown...a carefully supervised tapered discontinuation may be attempted, but there is evidence that this may often be difficult to accomplish without recurrence of symptoms and/or the manifestation of withdrawal phenomena." A drug with unknown long-term consequences and potential for addiction has been approved by the FDA for a non-life threatening condition, which may be treated successfully by non-drug means! XANAX has become a major economic success story for the Upjohn Company. Small wonder with its habituating potential and immediate appeal for sufferers of panic and anxiety disorders desperately seeking relief. In the end, the long benzodiazepine tranquilizer voyage is a journey into the darkest side of the twilight zone - another world's timeless hell for those that are lured there seeking calm, and yet finding unrelenting heightened anxiety and abject misery. alprazolam costco price - alprazolam for sale without prescription - http://www.thesnakerecords.com/xanax.html buy paxil cr buy paxil cr online Max Ricketts is a graduate of the US Naval Academy. He is an investigative health writer and the author, with Edwin Bien M.D., of the Great Anxiety Escape, a revolutionary program to escape from anxiety, insomniac, depressive, and drug related disorders. The book is available for $12.45, postage and handling included, from Matulungin Publishing, P.O. Box 2910, La Mesa, CA 91943. California residents, please add $0.72 sales tax or order from amazon.com. ツゥ 1991 Max Ricketts top <xanax>jpg] buy paxil online - buy paxil online canada - http://www.thesnakerecords.com/valium.html XANAX DOES NOT CURE ANXIETY by Max Ricketts buy clonex buy clonex online Health Store News, April 1991 Documents obtained from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by this writer under the Freedom of Information Act indicates that no evidence exists that XANAX (a benzodiazepine tranquilizer produced by Upjohn) cures anxiety or panic disorder. However, the product has FDA approval for treating both conditions. Further, serious adverse effects have been reported even from the dosages administered under the relative short-term clinical trials (less than 10 weeks) that XANAX was subjected to in order to obtain FDA approval. As one evaluates the memorandums, studies, and statistics purporting to support the safety and efficacy of XANAX, probing questions as to the legitimacy of the direction of the American health care process are inescapable - questions of why we have created financial incentives for sickness, of why we have fostered illogical, self-defeating unnatural pharmaceutical approaches to achieving so-called "health." buy clonex red - buy clonex rooting gel - http://www.thesnakerecords.com/klonopin.html Panic disorder, for which XANAX (alprazolam) was recently approved, may be cured by natural holistic means - without any hazard of adverse side effects. On the other hand there is no mention of "cure" in any of the material submitted by the FDA to this writer - not a word about "cure". That may be because XANAX does not cure panic disorder (or any anxiety condition for that matter). XANAX is a "therapy" - yet, a therapy with a great potential for harm. The drug does not effectively resolve the underlying biochemical basis of anxiety state disorders. The "evidence" for the FDA approval was obtained from three short-term studies, the longest being ten weeks. There is no data to suggest that XANAX is safe over a long period or at higher dosages - yet, there are many patients that are being prescribed this drug for months and even years! Actually, there is compelling evidence that benzodiazepines, including XANAX, may be among the more addictive substances in the American drug marketplace. Certainly, the manufacturer, Upjohn, cannot dismiss such concern based on their own limited studies and data. 
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