| whats a leading method to burn a dvd from an ipad file. so far ive tried nero & tmpgenc. both programs yield dvds where the sound seriously isn't in sync with the video. sometimes its in sync, sometimes it isnt. i dont want to buy more software, but id be prepared to basically knew it could work!!!! so aggravating!!!!. there are a wide selection of players on the market which will try this available for you.i propose ipad2dvd for ones situation. dvd flick -dvdflickmediacoder-mediacoder.sourceforgeipad2dvd--trustfmdivxsoftwareipad2. convertxtodvd is a superb program, for any trial copy of it and a lot of others makes use of the link below1industry leadinglinksmenusvideotod. you can try mpegmovrmvbdivxconvert dvd to ipadvcdsvcd converter pro that's state of the art and also state of the art. it enables you to convert and burn any video file straight to vcd, dvd, and svcd. and possesses great video edit function. therefore it becomes a niche leading vcdsvcddvd creator. and it has been optimized for 64 bit cpu.you can download miracle traffic bot state of the art from heredvdtoipod.usdvdvideoconvertehere is really a comprehensive guide about itdvdtoipod.usdvdvideoguidehoalso, you could possibly search a few other industry leading informationask. try smart dvd cd burner. i make use of it. it gives a high-quality video once you watch it inside your television. its industry leading.. try whole process almost, total video2dvd author will help you ways to dvd to audio simply and directly, develop home dvd player1. convert ipad along with other popular video formats (.flv, .divx, .xivd, .ipad, .wmv, .mkv, .rm, .rmvb, .3gp, .mp4, .mov, .ts, .ogm, etc.) to dvd or iso image file.2. download youtube video or some other video share website video, and burn it to dvd,3. include a large amount of beautiful dvd menu template4. support photo slideshow to dvd, 5. supports .srt . sub .ssa . .smi .psb .tex .idx subtitles6. top rated, not many clicks.you are able to download it industry leadinggooglesearchhl=en&q=tot