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 ▼Huang lead with a a  alcorycle 13/8/21(水) 9:53

 ■題名 : Huang lead with a a
 ■名前 : alcorycle <spoughFuplp@airjordanoutlethomes.us>
 ■日付 : 13/8/21(水) 9:53
 ■Web : http://monster5451.biroudo.jp/
   HP asked Oracle to include some &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540; &#12504;&#12483;&#12489;&#12507;&#12531; &#20385;&#26684; language that it argues committed Oracle to continue to develop software that would support Intel??s exotic Itanium server chip. That chip, you may keep in mind, was, for all intents and purposes, a market failure, and HP was the only vendor worth mentioning that ever produced a go of promoting Itanium-based servers. Historically, Oracle had lengthy been in the Itanium-friendly camp, even &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540; &#12504;&#12483;&#12489;&#12507;&#12531; &#27491;&#35215; as businesses like Microsoft and RedHat bolted.

In March of last year, Oracle all of a sudden changed its tune, saying &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540; &#12504;&#12483;&#12489;&#12507;&#12531; &#20385;&#26684; it would versions of its software that would function on Itanium-based http://monster456.biroudo.jp/ systems. Oracle argued that Intel had plans to finish manufacturing from the Itanium &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540; &#12504;&#12483;&#12489;&#12507;&#12531; &#27491;&#35215; chip and transition customers over to servers operating Intel??s much more mainstream Xeon chip.

HP was outraged, and Intel stated it &#12487;&#12451;&#12540;&#12476;&#12523; &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540; &#12504;&#12483;&#12489;&#12507;&#12531; had . Oracle was . HP got its Itanium customers to publicly lobby Oracle to . It &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540;&#12465;&#12540;&#12502;&#12523; didn??t function. So HP sued Oracle .

The pretrial arguments were . Oracle http://monster645.biroudo.jp/ accused HP of becoming sneaky when it negotiated the Hurd settlement. It later compared HP??s ongoing reliance on Itanium to the film the corpse in the analogy being the &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540;&#12465;&#12540;&#12502;&#12523; Itanium chip, kept alive by HP funding. For HP, the &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540;&#12465;&#12540;&#12502;&#12523; argument was a simple 1: Is there an in between it and Oracle, or not?

Oracle &#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540; &#12504;&#12483;&#12489;&#12507;&#12531; &#12467;&#12540;&#12489; argued, amongst other issues, that there is , as well as if there had been, HP was, at the time of the agreement, about to employ L??o Apotheker and Ray Lane as its CEO and chairman, two individuals who, for various reasons, Oracle thoroughly distrusts. Also, Oracle says, for HP, the Itanium company is all about the billions in assistance and service charges it charges http://monster6465.aikotoba.jp/ its clients, fees without which HP is ??.?? And by the way, the uncertainty about Itanium servers is starting to .
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