| Dow Jones stock indexes are updated in real-time except Dow Jones Shanghai index, delayed 20 minutes. Source: Dow Jones. U.S. indexes are updated in real-time, except for the following delayed 15 minutes: PHLX, Russell, CBOE. International ind longchamp pas cher exes are updated in real-time, except for the following delayed 15 minutes: AE louis vuitton borse X, Bel-20, Bovespa, CAC 40, FTSE 100, FTSE 250, Hang Seng, ISEQ Overall, NZX 50, OEX All-Share, OMX, PSI 20, S&P/TSX, Shanghai 50, toms shoes sale Shanghai Composite, Shenzhen Composite, Straits Times, STOXX; delayed 20 minutes: All Ordinaries, S&P/ASX, FTSE MIB, Nikkei. Source: SIX Financial Information. Dow Jones Industry Group data are updated in real-time. Leading and lagging sub-sectors are shown on this page. Bonds:Treasury quotes are updated in real-time. Source: Tullett Prebon. Bond charts update every 30 minutes between 9:35 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Commodities & Futures:Futures quotes are delayed 10 minutes. Quotes are contract months with highest open interest. Index futures update during pre-market and after hours. Change value during the period between open outcry settle and the commencement of the next day's trading is calculated as the difference between the last trade and the current day's settle. Change value during other Coach Outlet Online periods is calculated as the difference between the last trade a Chaussure Louboutin nd the prior day's settle. Source: SIX Financial Information. Rollover charts include open auction prices only. Click on futures contract name for full quotes, settle prices and interactive charts.Currencies:Currencies quotes are updated in real-time. Source: ICAP plc.