| Including the rain couldn't dampen the spirits of your joyful attendees at Louis Vuitton's tribute to designer Stephen Sprouse Thursday night at their store on Michigan Avenue. Louis Vuitton's creative director Marc Jacobs first tapped Sprouse to style a graffiti bag in 2001 and he's get back to him again this year and Replica Louis Vuitton Bags upped the ante. The bags certainly are a riot of color in shocking chartreuse, day-glo gucci bags outlet lime and South Beach orange. The carry-all is definitely the largest of the handbags with additional pockets than a pool hall. Not merely to maintain everything that you need for work, travel or play. Any office handbag, conversely, is a lot slimmer and has a sleeker, more professional design to Louis Vuitton Handbags Outlet complement work clothes. Because couture is all about "the dream," and "the dream" doesn't eat it while watching entire world.