| The Qur'an makes reference to this, asking women to use those same head coverings, but to pull the ends forward so that the chest is covered. This head covering is often called a hijab or khimar.[url=http://buy-headphones.com/sms-audio/]sms audio headphones[/url] What does hijab mean. Hijab is a general term that literally means "screen" or "cover. " Variations of the word can also mean "to obscure from view, " "hide, " or "vanish. " It is a general term that describes Muslim women's clothing, but it commonly refers specifically to a headscarf or veil. Women are advised to wear garments over their house clothes when they leave the house. This outer garment is often called a jilbab, abaya, or chador, depending on the area of the world. These are the minimum requirements laid out in the Qur'an. The Qur'an makes no reference to color or style, so one will find many local variations that meet these basic standards. On the Arabian Peninsula, it is customary for women to wear black. In western Africa, women wear colorful dresses and turbans. In Southeast Asia, women often wear shalwar kameez, tunics and pants of bright colors and designs. Again, Islam allows for local [url=http://buy-headphones.com/sms-audio/]sms audio headphones[/url] variations as an expression of the diversity of the Muslim community, as long as minimum standards are observed. One may also find women who believe [url=http://buy-headphones.com/monster-diddy-beats/]monster diddy beats[/url] that it is even more modest for them to be completely covered, including the face. Face veiling is not predominant in the [url=http://buy-headphones.com/spiderman-beats-by-dre/]spiderman beats by dre[/url] Muslim world, but it may be customary in certain places or practiced by choice by some individuals. Most Muslims believe this practice goes beyond the minimum standards, but it is respected as the choice or cultural norm of some people. In the predominantly Muslim country of Turkey, the secular government has forbidden women from wearing a headscarf in government buildings and universities. In 1999, a democratically elected Parliament member was removed from office because she refused to remove her headscarf at the swearing in ceremony. In the privacy of the home, or in the presence only of family members and close female friends, Muslim women are free to remove their head coverings and outer garments and adorn themselves with makeup and jewelry. In the vast majority of Muslim nations, women are free to choose their style of dress and whether they would like to "cover" or [url=http://buy-headphones.com/monster-ibeats/]monster ibeats[/url] not. It is a personal choice based on piety and modesty and is not considered a sign of women's inferiority by those who practice it. Dress Code for MenIslam also prohibits all forms of nudity and exploitation of the male figure. Men are advised to cover their bodies modestly, particularly from the navel to the knee. Indeed, in the traditional dress of many Muslim countries, men wear long flowing robes and sometimes a head covering as well.