| are interwoven with the fantasies of dark chocolates, strawberries and cream, exotic destinationsand dream evenings, perfumes and fancy cars, spontaneous romances and the starlit sky on a fullmoon night.There is something about heels and the red soles that can turn any woman into a hunter.When they see these Christian Louboutin replica shoes they certainly want them to be a part oftheir closet and real badly at that. They just can't turn their face away from these amazing pairs Christian Louboutin Ireland of shoes. These are the kinds of shoes that can make a woman's heart melt. Women have always lovedshoes that can make their feet make the best of style statements. Women down the ages have agreedthat it is the sexy high heels that rule the fashion roost. No more being grounded and feeling likesecond citizens for the women of today.Almost all women who have been ever asked have answered thatthey find the wearing of the right shoes extremely enlightening. They love the comfort that the