| abundant sulfur element which can kill virus and prevent itching. Thus it can be used to treat someskin diseases. Therefore, to eat cabbage often is beneficial to the health of skin.4. PreventtumorResearchers found that to drink a cup of yogurt while eating cabbage can prevent tumor becausecabbage contains a kind of chemical substance which can restrict the development of tumor cellsonce it is fermented.5. Keep good moodCabbage contains tryptophan which is a component of protein. Christian Louboutin Ireland This kind of substance can help to calm down nerves. And promote the production of 5-hydroxytryptamine which can make people feel happy. In addition, cabbage also contains a smallamount of selenium which can make people happy.6. Supplement celluloseEverybody who eats cabbagecan easily meet the body's demand of cellulose. Cabbage contains rich cellulose which can improvethe function of intestines and stomach, thus to reduce the level of cholesterol.7. Supplement