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 ▼the National Associ  Letaenzymnniz 12/3/23(金) 9:09

 ■題名 : the National Associ
 ■名前 : Letaenzymnniz <mint.o.n.w.ea.fe.r@gmail.com>
 ■日付 : 12/3/23(金) 9:09
 ■Web : http://www.christianlouboutin-shoes-uk.net
   heel shoe forces your body into an unstable position forcing your back to be more arched, yourpelvis pushed forward and your calf muscles to shorten meaning it will affect the way you stand andwalkLow heeled shoes allow you to absorb shock from the impact on the ground more readily then highheels. In high heels the centre of gravity is shifted so you have to push forward for the sameeffect resulting in foot and heel pain.Podiatrists advise to only wear high heels for short periods Christian Louboutin of time opting for thicker soles and extra padding or cushioning to help with the shock absorption.It is also a good idea to frequently vary the type of shoe you wear and choosing those that havemore straps that offer more support.Rotating between different shoes allows the muscles in yourfeet to work in loads of different positionsOpting for narrow pointed shoes and high heels canexacerbate problems like bunions where the centre of gravity will push the foot forward putting Christian Louboutin Shoes more pressure on the problem area. High heels have a narrow area of contact and they point the toesdownward, which puts the foot in an internally rotated position and makes their wearer more proneto spraining an ankle, Pain in the back, neck and knees can be the result of shock that travels upthe skeleton from a non-resilient heel.Remember all those times when you have squeezed your feetinto tight ill fitting high heels, bending your toes into abnormal positions. As a consequence, you Christian Louboutin UK end up with sore, blistered, thick skinned feet which rub against your shoes causing you pain withmost likely every step you take. Several hundred tons of pressure is what your feet are put underevery day from just walking. This adds up to a whole lot of pain. Changing something as simple asthe type of shoe you wear could make all the difference. Basically the higher the heel, the worseit is for you.When you start playing around with shoes that take away from the natural functions of
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