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 ▼About outdoor marke  Annapoligraficzna 11/7/30(土) 0:07

 ■題名 : About outdoor marke
 ■名前 : Annapoligraficzna <poligrafia123@o2.pl>
 ■日付 : 11/7/30(土) 0:07
   Printing technology is a field dealing with the manufacturing process prints. Over the centuries, the changes taking place in it, until it reached the present level, where development takes place in an even faster pace. The printing industry is a specific type of production - it covers the development of standards (print forms), the original text and drawings, and print copies for their use, mostly for the mass audience. As every aspect of production, so your paper can be determined by the technologies used, the characteristics of products and links with other areas of the economy.
Production Printing <edit>

The development of printing techniques makes it necessary to clarify the terminology is printing. On the basis of ISO 12637 printing production can be divided into stages:

    Analog technology
      preparation: design, preparation and image processing, image reproduction, making of proof
      installation image: imposition and making of proof
      execution of print form: mechanical, photochemical, electronic engraving
    Digital Technology
      preparation: design, preparation and image processing, image reproduction, making of proof
      installation image: imposition and making of proof
      execution of print form: electronic engraving, CtF, from computer to the substrate, CTP, from computer to the electronic image carrier

      Photochemical: silver halide, diazonium
      Thermochemical: direct thermal
      Electrochemical: spark discharge
    Without form
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      ink-jet: Continuous, on-demand drop
      Thermal Transfer: the wax carrier, sublimation
      Electrostatic (digital print): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron beam, magneto
    with form
      convex: flexographic, typographic, offset
      Flat: lithographic, offset
      Concave: rotogravure, wkl黌ウolinijne, tampons
      Paint penetrate: screen printing, risographic

    Binding treatment
    print finishing
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