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 ▼Hello Thanks  agrictath 11/3/5(土) 9:49

 ■題名 : Hello Thanks
 ■名前 : agrictath <tmcdonald293@gmail.com>
 ■日付 : 11/3/5(土) 9:49
 ■Web : http://www.buysomanowonline.com
   The field of Pharmacy can generally be dissevered into three main  studies :.  
.1 Pharmaceutics. 
.2 Medicinal chemistry and Pharmacognosy. 
.3 Pharmacy practice.  
<img>http://buysomanowonline.com/pro_images/398_l.jpg</img> The bounds between these studies and with other scientific disciplines, such as biochemistry , are not constantly  trenchant ; and they sometimes, collaborative teams from various  subject fields research in concert.  
Materia medica is typically  seen a fourth subject field of pharmacy. Although pharmacology is essential to the examination of pharmacy, it is not limited to pharmacy. It is therefore  normally  reckoned to be a discipline of the extensive sciences .
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