| Bird problems have become a big deal for many people whether you have a large plot of land or just a patio, Your bird problem is hard to get rid of. To know how to deal with your problem, you first have to see what kind of birds you have a problem with.There are birds that are protected by law and so you are not allowed to harm them. But this doesnt mean you cant get rid of them.There are many devices that are available on the market today, from bird spikes to sonar devices the choice is yours. The first thing that you need to do to start your plan in motion, is to find all the nests that have been left behind. The need to do this is great because migratory birds will go back to the place they left behind and that will be on your property. Birds will go back to what they are used to as they have established the fact that they have found an area where there is food and water, and a place to nest.Your plan of action should be a complete clean up mission. Get rid of all nests, food scraps of any sorts and make sure there are no pools of water anywhere. This plan will eradicate any signs of bird ocupation, so when your friend birds come back to roost again there will be no home waiting for them.The next step that should be made is to completely bird proof you property. The devices that you can use range from bird spikes for your roofs to tapes and predatory bird ornaments and if you have a large property, there are sonar boxes that give off sounds that will scare the birds away once the sonar detects any motion.There is no need to poison or hurt the birds in any way as you have a means to an end of the destruction of your bird problem. Try the bird deterents that you can afford and you will fine that your bird problem will soon disapear once dealt with properly.