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Soon we started ascending steeply, like going from Gatton College to Toowoomba. It is windy and the rains from Galicia are arriving in the Meseta. However, it did not rain today. We managed to catch up with Sarah from the USA and Susanne from Quebec in Canada. Susanne is doing the camino for the third time, and this time she started in Toulouse, South of France. They kept a very good pace, and we managed to keep walking together with them. The majority of the way was fine, though several kilometres were very rocky. We walked along the Castilla Canal which was very nice and reached Fromista at 12.30pm. We were amazed that we walked 6 km in the last hour, a very fast pace indeed. Stopping early today, instead of the usual between 3.00 and 4.00pm was nice. We know that tomorrow is a national day in Spain and all the shops will be closed. So we stocked up with jamon, local cheeses, chocolate and bread for the next day.Derek Emerson, Chef/Owner of Walker's Drive In and Local 463 in Mississippi, one of the chefs in the book, said to me, I'm just a cook like they are. I'm called a chef, but we're all just cooks at heart. Thank you for this. I really appreciate (and agree with) your sensabilities about here is New York and the sculpture. Like you I too believe that battle scars are worthy signs of accomplishment, not defeat that need to be whitewashed. If we'd had a Chruchill type leader at the time he would have celebrated how we came together and how many thousands were helped and survived, noting it as our finest hour. Your voice is strong with great perspective and appreciation. Thanks for the great photo journey and perspective. Beautiful day. 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