| what you should do nextThe cold, detached air of a clinical doctor is not necessarily the best attitude to adopt when becoming a physician, it has been claimed. Unveiling his criteria for what are the best characteristics medical students should possess are in today's Journal of Medical Ethics, Dr Christopher Cowley of the University of East Anglia argues that candidates should have at least one humanities level and be at least 23 years old. He outlines five criteria, all of which seek to identify candidates with a broader, more rounded outlook on life. In particular Dr Cowley cities English Literature as being especially effective for it helps improve "imagination and empathy, communication skills and the ability to discuss complex ethical issues". Also important are at least a year of experience in a healthcare sector or voluntary sector organisation to gain an understanding of the work ethos in hospitals. "The 18 year old pure science pupil is no longer suitable for medicine," Dr Cowley's article concludes. "Medical schools have come a long way towards improving the curriculum by increasing the content of humanities subjects and communication skills in the past decades. It is not clear how much further such improvements can go with the raw materials at hand." Adfero Ltd Pictures of the crash scene showed the white bus lying on its side with belongings of passengers strewn outside. At the crash scene, a crane was trying to lift the bus.?5 dead after shooting in Seattle's Federal Way suburb Backpacks http://www.gentiledefenseleague.net/blake-c-2_15.html The way you style your hair can have a huge effect on the costume. This is especially true if you're attending a Halloween gathering with people who always see you with one hair style. Then, when you style if differently, it will look more costume like. For example our door to door alien screwdriver salesman might normally wear his or her hair very flat, close to the scalp. But it he/she spikes or poufs the hair up as big as can be, then they will look different from their normal, day to day self. A can of hair spray or gel is all you need. michael kors watches Police officers walk near evidence markers at the scene of an overnight shooting that left five people dead at the Pinewood Village apartment complex in Federal Way, Wash. michael kors handbags more Canada Post's pension shortfall just the tip of multibillion dollar headache facing other federal departmentsHarper Conservatives won't say if Parliament should debate Canada Post restructuringCanada Post suspends sales of Permanent stampsHo ho ho: Canada Post to still deliver Christmas cheer to children despite new planCOYNE: Canada Post's monopoly has got to goCanada Post CEO moonlights with think tank that urged mail changesWhy you'll pay $1 a stamp and won't get mail delivered to your door in urban areas?3s and Antioxidants Fight Cancer Discount Michael Kors Jet Set Macbook Travel Large Orange Totes Outletmichael kors handbags michael kors purses noticed they (Afghan police) would adorn their AK 47s with flowers, stickers, and I realised it was the only possession in their life really so it was a bit like a teenager would pimp up their car in the UK, Symondson said. michael kors watches Yeah I wouldn even bother returning the magazines you receive. They quit sending them when they figure you aren going to pay; unlikely it would ever be on your credit report that you didn pay for a $3.50 mag. They clearly intending to rip you off, so it fair and just that they be ripped off instead.